neděle 31. ledna 2016

Marines version 1.0

After many months of no progress i finaly added US Marines Armylist and Datacards for Able Archer. I released Datacards yesterday but they were missing few things and few costs were wrong.

But back to Marines - they are different breed of Americans - the few the proud. Their army is lacking high speed, low drag equippment like M1 Abrams or Apache but on the other hand they are veterans and have lot of firepower even sometimes outdated.

So lets show commies what are USMC made of!


sobota 30. ledna 2016

Excelent battlereports

One of the contributors to the game (the same guy who did new layout of rules) has posted battlereports of Able Archer sometime ago here you can find them

Its really nice read, Able Archer is compared to free version of Sabre Squadron, and description of scenario played three times its always nice to se detailed reports as this one.

Look alive Devildogs!

Well last few days i was working on US Marine Corps Armylists and datacards for Able Archer.
Well atleast cards are finished and armylist needs only to but put into PDF
here is armylist structure:


Armor Platoon
5xM60A1 Rise

USMC Rifle Platoon (Infantry)
3x USMC Rifle Squad, Command Squad

USMC Rifle Platoon (Mechanised)
3x USMC Rifle Squad, Command Squad, 3x LVTP-7

USMC Rifle Platoon (Aeromobile)
3x USMC Rifle Squad, Command Squad, 3x Huey

USMC Support Platoon Mortar (Infantry)
3x Mortar team, command team

USMC Support Platoon Mortar (Mechanised)
3x Mortar team, command team, LVTP-7

USMC Support Platoon Mortar (Aeromobile)
3x Mortar team, command team, Huey

Reconnisance Platoon (Mechanised)

Reconnisance Platoon (Support)

Anti-tank Platoon (Support)

Anti-tank Platoon (Support)

Aeroweapons platoon (Support)
2x AH-1J Sea cobra

Helo scout (Support)
2x UH-1 Huey (Scout)

Airsupport AV-8 Harrier (Airsupport)

Airsupport A6-E Intruder (Airsupport)

here is link on the cards link

You can use Arty from US list and command vehicles are FSO are included in cards see you soon

čtvrtek 28. ledna 2016


Not everyone prefer datacards there are some people who prefer old fashioned tables so they have
everything at hand. these are datatables. They are made for all current armies that means - ČSLA,Soviets, Western Germany, US and BAOR.

Download Datatables

hope you enjoy them.

New printer friendly version

Its been long time since Able Archer had any updates. My life gets complicated last year, and i have solve lot of things. With release of Battlefront Team Yankee, some crowd moved to TY 6mm forums and facebook groups, but Able Archer has more to offer.

Thanks to Mako11 and Scott Salsman i present you new variant of rules - they are more streamlined and scaled. Thank you lot guys

Enjoy them if you can